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Thursday, December 17, 2009

French women don't get fat???....really?

That is the absurd title of a book i picked up, heck i dunno, three years ago as i attempted, for the millionth time to get fit and loose weight,Yes, three years ago I've had this now and I'm barely on Chapter 4. Don't laugh. I read all the time....just not this book. Relax, don't toss 263 pages to the dogs right away...there's some good stuff coming up. Keep reading. Anyway, I saw this title on a talk show. The woman who wrote it was of significant age and her name is Mireille Guiliano. I know. Her name does not suck. I've had it as an off and on "bathroom" reader if you will. Sad. Still....quite true. Beneath the blunt title is the ever so beckoning sub-title that states "eating for pleasure". When I first brought this book home, I realized that I was so compelled to getting this book that I completely overlooked the ridiculous sub-title. I mean seriously....why the hell else would I eat. Of course I eat for pleasure, heck alot of us out there do! I then became confused because all of this time I thought you should only eat for satisfaction of hunger...not neccesarily for one's pleasure. And let me clarify that when I say pleasure I mean, "Please, sir, hand me a dozen of those decadent hot and moist oozing red velvet cupcakes topped with that dripping soft, wet, and creamy white............ok let's not get carried away....I was going to say, cheesecake frosting. Ahem, back to the lecture at hand.....that is what I mean by pleasure. :) So, here's the deal, after having read the first 4 chapters...I realize, this woman...actually makes sense. Yes, she regurgitates alot of what we know already. Portion control. Eat frequently. Try and fit in exercise to your daily routine yada yada yada. Even after all the replays, I still find it all intriguing. I mean, I think I may go ahead and blog about what I read in this book and how far it gets me. I know. I have done this before. Tried to get fit and slim down. I did it once, at least I almost did. For my wedding I lost 30lbs and needed 30 more to go to be at my ideal knockout, Kardashian weight goal! I still had massive wings under my arms but I was well on my way. Of course, that did not happen cause then we wouldn't be...here, in the middle of dieting book hell at the bottom of the dieting abyss of the dieters world. Well, let me begin...even though I've already begun to tell you how this will go. Amongst all the other rubbish and roodyhah (yes, i just made that word up), I will do my best to get fit along with the help of this book. This "american" woman who has, from what I gathered in the first 4 chapters gone frenchie cookoo in her head claims that the women from the country of BUTTER are never fat. In which I tell you that I will find a french fat woman yet. Her setting is one of the most breath taking countries that houses the most breath taking city of the world, Paris where she scribbles her non fat nonsense. And I mention breath taking twice because what takes your breath as you inhale are the rows and rows of "patisseries", mini markets filled with the tart and tasty scents of fromage and who could resist a little cafe on every street corner. I've never been but hollywood depicts it well. Oh and if you don't know what patisseries and fromage mean...tisk tisk...it's francais basque. *basic french* So, Should I trust her you ask? Why not? I ask in return. She has a published book, I have yet to have one, and her name is impeccible. I mean she sounds like the co-founder of Godiva chocolates or some sort of delightfully delicious cocoa based liqueur. Liqueur de cocoa by M. Guiliano with hints of rose, cocoa, raspberry mint and savory fig. See, there I go again, thinking of something sinful to my figure. Ok, so with that being said...I will start this plan Sunday. May 27th, 2010.(this is the third time i've changed this date haha) I'm not saying that I will blog daily, but I will give this diet...no wait, lets throw the D word out and call it a life changing experience. Yes, I will start this LCE and blog about it chapter by chapter. :/

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